
Starting to learn a musical instrument whilst still very young is a wonderful gift for any child. How many people do you know that wish they’d learned an instrument, or kept on going with something they started to play as a child?

At The Bell School of Music, we feel strongly about the role music plays in a child’s overall education. We also believe that it supports emotional and social development, and taking music exams at a young age equips them well for the pressures of exams later in school.

We understand the complexities of teaching children, and our aim is not only to start them learning, but to support and motivate them well into adulthood. At The Bell School of Music we are dedicated to creating the talented musicians and performers of tomorrow!

We ask that parents supply children with a folder for their music and notebook. That they assist and encourage wherever possible in regular daily practice, and that children are encouraged to perform to their family and friends.

Contact us for pricing information and details of current availability.

Children’s Polo Shirts

We have branded ‘The Bell School of Music’ polo shirts, available to all our young students for just £10.00. Here’s what they look like:


T-shirt Back

Please note that the colour of your child’s polo shirt will depend on which instrument they are learning. Get in touch if your child is currently learning with us and you’d like to purchase a shirt.

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